Research Guide: Dearborn Country Club


The Dearborn Country Club originated when Henry Ford asked his secretary, Ernest Liebold, to design a golf course and club for Dearborn residents. The club was built on 163 acres of Ford owned land off Military street in Dearborn.

                          [Dearborn Country Club, Dearborn, Michigan, 1925 / THF135797]

Edsel Ford recommended golf course designer, Donald Ross, and he was hired to lay out the 18 hole, 6,659 yard course. Ray Dahlinger and Ford Farms crew did the landscaping, and the course was completed in spring of 1925. The club applied for membership with the Detroit District Golf Association and the United States Golf Association that same year.

   [Dearborn Country Club score card / Acc. 292 box 34]

The clubhouse was designed by Albert Kahn in English timber-frame style and was built by the Otto Misch Company. Clara Ford played a large role in deciding the style of the building as well as the interior decorating, choosing antique English furniture to add character to the club. The clubhouse was completed in the fall of 1925.

Membership opened to Dearborn residents on April 3, 1925, with the first member being Dearborn Mayor, Clyde M. Ford. After Dearbornites joined up, Ford opened the membership to others within a 25-mile radius of Dearborn. By summer of 1925, there were 135 members. The cost to join included a $100 initiation fee, $38 quarterly dues, and $2 green fee. The dining room served breakfast, lunch, and dinner at $1, $1.50, and $2 respectively.

[Dearborn Country Club menu c.1925 / Menu Collection box 1]

In September 1925, the first board of governors was selected with Louis W. Howe as chairman, Henry A. Haigh as vice chairman, Harry A. Snow as secretary, and Herman Kalmback as treasurer. John S. Rummer and his wife managed the property. David Robinson was the professional and instructor for the club.

The first meal in the clubhouse was served on September 29, 1925, when Henry and Clara Ford hosted Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ives. The club held its first function on October 30th, 1925, a white tie dinner dance hosted by Henry and Clara Ford. The club often held stag nights, ladies bridge luncheons, movie nights, and dance parties. Ford attempted to enforce his usual no smoking and no drinking policies, but these were often ignored by the membership. Dogs were also specifically prohibited from club property.

[Formal Dance at Dearborn Country Club, 1931 / THF99871]

Ford operated the club at a financial loss during his ownership, making up losses from his own pocket. In March 1944, Ford transferred ownership to Seaboard Properties (a Ford owned corporation) and members leased the club from Seaboard yearly. In 1952, the members purchased the club with a mortgage which was paid off in 1959.


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