Bibliography: Ford Motor Company India


Ford Motor Company India Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled by staff of the Benson Ford Research Center’s Archives and Library Department based on materials in our collections. If you have questions about these resources, please use our Submit a Question feature. If you are interested in duplication, please see our Duplication Resources FAQ.

Please note: Activities in India were handled through Ford of Canada and these records are not held by the Benson Ford Research Center. 


Ford Times

  • Sales – Foreign – India, v.5, p.41
  • Calcutta, India, v.5, p.279
  • Sales – Foreign – India, v.6, p.459-460, 515 
  • Sales – Foreign – India, v.7, p.261
  • Sales – Foreign – Madras, India (picture), v.7, p.504-505, 512
  • Sales – Foreign – India, v.8, p.138
  • Sales – Foreign – India, v.10, p.166

Ford News

  • Ford World Notes: In India (Model A), 1928, 8:21:200:1
  • India - Synonym for Power, 1929, 9:10:111:3
  • Missionary in India Uses Ford, 2:18F:8:4, 3:12L:8:4
  • Watch India, 1924, 3:15F:1+:2,4:9L:1+:2
  • Firefighting - India (Oil company uses engines for centrifugal pumps},18:3:70:2
  • Ford World: Sayajiganj, India (Fordson tractor), 2:24F:6:2,3:18L:6:2
  • India - Canada Serves the Empire, 1935, 15:5:92: 1
  • India - Review of 1921 Shows Year of Good Progress, 1: 12F:4+:1-2, 2:6L:4+:1-2
  • India Faces New Era as Ford Methods Are Studied (Indian students), 3:8F:5: 1-4
  • Ford Service Everywhere (Photo of plant), 12:3:18:1-2
  • Ford World: Bombay (How to sell in India), 2:2F:1+:2, 2:20L:1+:2 
  • Ford World Notes: In Hindustan (Demonstration and parade), 11:1:8:2-3
  • Ford World Notes: Guest House (Oakes and Company), 10:5:56:2
  • New Plant at Madras (Procession at opening), 11:7:10:3

Oral Histories



  • Last Updated Aug 18, 2023
  • Views 82
  • Answered By Archives & Library Staff @The Henry Ford

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