Bibliography: Ford Motor Band/Ford Band


Ford Motor Band/Ford Band Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled by staff of the Benson Ford Research Center’s Archives and Library Department based on materials in our collections. If you have questions about these resources, please use our Submit a Question feature. If you are interested in duplication, please see our Duplication Resources FAQ.


Ford Times

  • Ford Band Gives First Concert, March 1912, v.5 n.6 p.185
  • Ford Band Concerts, May 1913, v.6 n.8 p.338
  • Ford Band Scores Hit, September 1913, v.6 n.12 p.494
  • Ford Band (photo), March 1914, v.7 n.6 p.278
  • Ford “Melody Route” to ‘Frisco, September 1915, v.9 n.2 p.75 

Ford News

  • Band Concert Work Is No Easy Task, 1:4:4:4
  • (1916) When Ford Band Played Good Roads Cause to Victory, 5:22L:4+:1--4 
  • (1920) Canadian Quartette Accepts a Challenge to Sing at Concert, 1:2:4:3--4 
  • (1920) Every Seat in Arcadia Filled at Last Concert..., 1:5:5+:3--4 
  • (1920) First Concert Crowds Arcadia, 1:1:5:4
  • (1920) Storm Fails to Cut Attendance, 1:3:4:4
  • (1921) Band Draws Big Crowd, 1:7F:1:4, 2:1L:1:1
  • (1921) Band Will Open Season, 1:24L:1:1
  • (1921) Ford Band Concerts, 1:19L:1:2
  • (1921) Winter Concert Season Starts, 1:6F:5:1-2
  • (1922) First Open Air Concert Soon, 2:16L:4:1
  • (1922) Ford Band Concert Season Nears End; Two More..., 2:7L:4:1-2 
  • (1922) Ford Band Gives Last Concert of Season, 2:9L:4:4
  • (1922) Next Concert December 14..., 3:2L:4:4
  • (1922) Record Crowds Attend Last Concert, 2:11L:5:1
  • (1922) State Fair Crowds See Greatest Ford Exhibit (Michigan), 2:4F:1+:3--4, 2:22L:1+:3--4 
  • (1922) Winter or Summer, Band Concerts for Employes,2:24L:4:1 
  • (1922) Yuletide Spirit in Concert Program, 3:3L:1+:2
  • (1923) 11,700 Attend 3 Ford Band Concerts, 3:5L:5:1
  • (1923) Band Concert December 13, 4:3L:8:1
  • (1923) Ford Motor Band Holds Last Concert, 3: 10L:4:1
  • (1924) Band Concert January 10, 4:5L:8:3
  • (1924) Ford Band Concert, 4:11L:8:3
  • (1924) Ford Hawaiians participate, 3:13F:1:2, 4:7L: 1:2
  • (1924) Outdoor Meeting Draws 4,379 at Lincoln Plant, 4: 17L:8:2-4
  • (1925) More Concerts by Band at Arcadia, 6:2L:1:1 
  • (1925) "Mother, Safety Engineer of Home" 4,000 at Lincoln Rally Are Told, 5:19L:6:3 
  • (1925) Steady Interest Aroused by Ford Exhibit at Fair, 5:23L:1+:2 
  • (1927) Concert date altered for Lent, 7:9L:1:4 
  • (1928) The New Car's First "At Home," 8:4L:4+:1-4
  • Bagpipes Greet Band at "Soo," 1:1F:4:1, 1:19L:4:1
  • Echoes of the Ford Band's 1700-Mile Tour in Ford Cars, 1:4F:6:1-4, 1:22L:6:1-4 
  • Ford Band With Pikers, 1:18:1:1
  • Performance of Ford Cars Is the Marvel of Pikers' Tour, 1:2F:4+:3-4, 1:20L:4+:3-4
  • Review of 1921 Shows Year of Good Progress, 1:12F:4+:1-2, 2:6L:4+:1-2 
  • Anthem Is Not an Exit March, 1:5:4:4 
  • Band Greets Foch, 1:8F:1:3
  • Band Greets Foch; Second Concert Soon, 2:2L:4:3 
  • Band Plays in Parade, 1:3:1:1
  • Ford Band Led Armistice Parade, 2:8F:4:4, 3:2L:4:4
  • Heart of Great City Is Scene of Fordson Parade, 1:16F:4:1-4, 2:10L:5+:3-4
  • (1922) Variety Marks Concerts of WWI, 2:7F:1+:3, 3:1L:1+:3
  • (1922) Yuletide Spirit in Concert Program, 3:3L:1+:2
  • (1923) Hears Ford Concerts in Lonely Northern Cabin, 2:11F:3:1-3, 3:5L:3:1-3
  • (1923) Listeners...Praise Artists on WWI Programs, 3:8F:5+:3-4, 4:2L:5+:3-4
  • (1923) Radio Fans Delight in Offerings From WWI, 2:24F:5+:1-3, 3:18L:5+:1-3
  • (1923) Skate to Music Sent Out by WWI, 2:15F:4+:1-2, 3:9L:4+:1-2
  • (1923) WWl Programs Continue to Delight…, 3:2F:4+:1-3, 3:20L:4+:1-3
  • (1924) Band Concerts Now Heard on Radio, 5:3L:8:3
  • (1924) Orchestra and Glee Club Feature WWI Programs, 3:18F:5+:1-2, 4:12L:5+:1-2
  • (1926) Band to Give Usual Series, 6:4F:1:1, 6:22L: 1;1

Oral Histories

Vertical File

  • Ford Band



  • Last Updated Jul 24, 2023
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Kathy M

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