What information do you have on Ford Motor Company employee records?


The Henry Ford does not have Ford Motor Company (FMC) personnel or employee records.  FMC retains these records. If you are related to a former FMC employee, you may request this information directly from the company. They ask that you please read the following instructions carefully.

How to request this information:

Send a signed letter stating:

·         The request for information is for genealogical purposes
·         The relationship of the person requesting the information to the former employee
·         A copy of the former employee's death certificate or an obituary

Send this information to:

Ford Motor Company Archives
FEL Building, Mail Drop 400
21500 Oakwood Boulevard
Dearborn, MI 48124

Please note that the following personnel records are the only existing records in the FMC corporate archives system.

1. Rouge hourly employees – approximately 1918-1947
Includes some early Highland Park, Iron Mountain, Willow Run and various Village Industry employees, if they transferred to the Rouge

2. Highland Park and Rouge salaried employees – approximately 1907-1947

3. Highland Park hourly employees – approximately 1911-1919

Types of information FMC can release, if available
·         Date of birth
·         Nationality
·         Previous employer
·         Occupation
·         Original date of hire at Ford Motor Company
·         Place of employment
·         Hourly wage
·         Date(s) laid off
·         Date(s) Rehired
·         Date of termination of employment (but not reason)

Types of information FMC cannot release (if available)

·         Information on family members
·         Health information
·         Disciplinary comments
·         Absenteeism problems
·         Social Security numbers



  • Last Updated Jan 12, 2024
  • Views 6278
  • Answered By Archives & Library Staff @The Henry Ford

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