Do you have information about Ford Motor Company Dealers?
While we do have historic records documenting the early years of the Ford Motor Company into the 1950s, we unfortunately have very little information about Ford dealerships. The company had over 7,000 dealerships as early as 1913 and did not keep records for many of them. The volume of information and photographs would have been overwhelming. We do have most of our dealership photographs digitized and you can search them on our digital collections website.
We recommend to people who are researching vintage dealerships to contact their local historical societies and state archives for newspaper articles, photographs, etc. Many people have had luck finding resources in this way.
If you are interested in having us search the limited records we do have, please let us know. We will be happy to do the research. However, we do charge $35 an hour for this research service, and ask for payment in advance. Please be aware that paying for research does not guarantee that we can find documentation on your topic..
Please see our website for further details about our fee-based research service.
Unfortunately there is not a searchable database. Research would be required to see if a dealer's name shows up. Names are arranged by year, State, City then name. If you are interested in having us search the limited records we do have, please let us know as we would be happy to do so. Please be aware however, we do charge $35 an hour for this research service, and ask for payment in advance. Also, paying for research does not guarantee that we can find documentation on a specific dealer.
Please see our website for further details about our fee-based research service:
If you have questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.